Sonny Angel


『Sonny Angel 20th Anniversary Photo Contest』

To celebrate Sonny Angel’s 20th anniversary, we will be holding a photo contest to showcase your happiest moments with Sonny Angel! For the past two decades, Sonny Angel has been a beloved figure across the world, and social media has made it possible for fans to joyously connect and share their love of both Sonny Angel and photography. We firmly believe that the photos you take of Sonny Angel are an integral part of our community and a testament to the bond we share with our fans!

In this photo contest, we’d like you to capture what holding Sonny Angel close to your heart means to you. We would love to see your memories and touching moments with Sonny Angel. Showcase his charm as you feel it along with your own thoughts and feelings about Sonny Angel!

Selected winning photos will be published in the Sonny Angel 20th Anniversary Complete Guidebook to be released in late December 2024, and winners will receive a certificate and a free copy of the guidebook!

【Contest Guidelines】
・Contest Theme
Happy moments with Sonny Angel

・Application Period
Friday, May 31 – Sunday, June 23 (2024) ※JST

・Announcement of Results
Selected winning applicants will be notified by email in early December (2024). Please ensure that messages from will not be filtered to your spam folder, and please inform us of any changes to your email address after your application has been submitted. Applicants who have not been selected will not be informed.
Selected winners will be published in the Sonny Angel 20th Anniversary Complete Guidebook and posted to Sonny Angel’s official website and social media accounts. The guidebook is set to be released in late December 2024.

・Prizes for Winners
Winners will receive a certificate and a free copy of the Sonny Angel 20th Anniversary Complete Guidebook that includes their winning photos!

・How to Apply
Only entries submitted via the entry form below will be considered.
EntrieEntry files must be in JPEG format and no larger than 10MB.s must be in JPEG format and no larger than 10 MB.
However, selected winning applicants may be asked to provide a higher resolution image for publication, so please keep the original file data for your image until the results are announced.

【Application Terms and Conditions】
・Please read the following terms and conditions before submitting your application. By submitting your entry to this contest, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined below.
・All entrants must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
・All photos submitted for entry must be taken by the entrant, and the entrant must own all rights to any submitted photos. If any issues arise as the result of a submitted photo’s publication, including complaints or objections from third parties regarding infringement of rights, The Company will not be held responsible for resolving issues or providing compensation of damages. The applicant will be responsible for settling all disputes.
・Entrants who have posted their submissions to personal social media accounts, blogs, or other non-commercial websites are eligible to enter, but entries that are either A) currently under consideration in other contests or B) have won awards in the past will not be considered.
・Entries that have undergone heavy image manipulation or digital enhancement and any images generated using AI tools will not be accepted.
・All submitted data will not be returned.
・All expenses incurred in connection with the photographic and application processes, including communication costs, are the responsibility of the applicant.
・Entries cannot be cancelled after they have been submitted.
・The Company reserves the right to use or allow the use of any submitted work without compensation.
・Dreams / Dreams, Inc. reserves the right to use or allow the use of any submitted work free of charge.
・Entrants agree to waive their moral rights for each submission and will not exercise their moral rights against anyone permitted to use their work by The Company.
・Entries will be judged strictly by a panel of staff members. Please note that we will not accept any inquiries regarding the screening process and results.

【Handling of Personal Information】
・All entrants’ personal information obtained by The Sponsor in connection with the photography competition will be handled as follows:
・Entrants’ personal information will only be used to contact entrants, verify the identity of winners, and deliver prizes; and for purposes specifically related to the implementation, operation, and promotion of the photo contest and its related activities.
・We will only disclose personal information to the extent necessary for the purposes of the photo contest (i.e. to The Company and its related parties, and to the publishers of the Sonny Angel 20th Anniversary Complete Guidebook). We will not disclose personal information to any third party without the entrant’s consent, except as required by law.
・Personal information connected to winning entries may be displayed, including the name of the entrant (provided nickname), place of residence (country only), and age range (e.g., 20s).

Voting has ended.



