Sonny Angel

New Release:「Sonny Angel-Chinoiserie Series-」(※Limited sale only in China)

Sonny Angel Chinoiserie Series

The Chinese limited series Sonny Angel is now available!
Traditional Chinese culture such as Chinese paper cutting and dyeing are combined with Sonny Angel to create a gorgeous and unique design.

Sonny Angel Chinoiserie Series

While retaining the retro feel peculiar to China, he wears unique costumes for each motif. It goes very well with Chinese-style accessories ♪

■『Sonny Angel – Chinoiserrie Series –』 LINE UP

灵猴抱瓷 / Porcelain Monkey

The motif is the famous Chinese “dyed porcelain”. The delicate color expresses the transparency of dyed porcelain.
It is very cute to hold the beautiful dyed porcelain firmly♪

风鸢金禽 / Kite Cockerel

With the motif of “kites”, which is one of the traditional Chinese crafts, the gorgeous colors make the whole atmosphere more lively.
The design of the cloak expresses the image of a kite flying up.

虎头帽儿 / Tiger-like Cap

He wears a traditional children’s hat with a tiger design.
The appearance of wearing old-fashioned cheongsam is also very lovely.

京剧越鸟 / Peking Opera Peacock

His make-up is based on the image of China’s most influential theatrical “Jingju”.
The design of the cloud shoulder expresses the elegant image unique to Jingju.

中华之宝 / Chinese Panda

The charm point of the panda, which is a representative animal in China, is its heart-shaped nose!
Tea pot that he has expresses the traditional Chinese tea culture. Wearing the traditional Chinese ” GUA PI MAO “, it’s very cute!

刻纸福兔 / Paper Cutting Rabbit

It is designed with the motif of “paper cutting”, which is a traditional Chinese folk art.
The popular rabbit is wearing a traditional red paper-cut outfit! Red is a symbol of happiness, so good luck may come when he is by your side♪

【Release date】
『Sonny Angel-Chinoiserie Series-』 will be released on 1st November, 2020 at TMALL 双11.

『Sonny Angel-Chinoiserie Series-』 will be released on 30th November, 2020 in China.
※Please note: Release date and product specifications may be changed, postponed or canceled without notice.
※Please note: This is a limited series sold only in China. It will not be sold in other overseas countries.

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